Saturday, April 28, 2007


One and all, please come visit M especially between 12-1 and 4:30-6 pm weekdays, and anytime 9-6 Sat and Sunday. Sadly, he's not getting many visitors. Thanks to those who do come, though.

His verbal skills remain excellent and he loves company even more than before. Nothing else suits as well to while away the hours. M can read, but lacks the attention span to find it of value right now. Staring at the walls or watching TV doesn't nearly compare for stimulation to support his brain in healing. As much as I feel compelled to be with M to provide stimulation and company, I do have other things take me away (paying bills for one, taking care of the children is another, though parents of their friends have supplanted me there to a large extent.) Be aware that he is confused, so take much of what he says about his activities with a grain of salt. If something concerns you, check with me (for example, he'll talk about the kids getting physical therapy or other family members in the hospital, they aren't and nobody else is). His memory of things past is jumbled, but intact, so you can reminisce about past events or talk about things today, especially politics or whatever.

HOWEVER, there are some caveats to know. M is buckled into his wheelchair with a safety belt for a reason: he thinks he can get out of the chair and safely move about from place to place. He cannot. This morning, he managed to unbuckle the belt and fell. He didn't hit his head, thank God, but did scrape his back. So, please make sure he doesn't unbuckle the selt belt. Also, it's best that Mark and visitors stay in the day room, rather than in his room. He will talk sometimes about going to lie down. It's a bit of an obsession, so just talk around it. Thanks!