Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Mark's first horse show in years
Top Hands at the Houston Rodeo
2nd in English equitation!

And as soon as we came home, we trimmed and hauled limbs for heavy trash pick up next week. I did the artistic work (the trimming) and Mark did the heavy lifting.
I joked that I'm the ATV (able to get around in the grass easily) and Mark's the Ferrari, very much prefering concrete. Unfortunately, the gearbox is broken and he's stuck in the lowest gear.
He hauled all these limbs.

Here's some more survivors. I have under one crepe myrtle snapdragons and pinks that hung on last summer, after being planted in early 2008. Under another crepe are several native violets.

Dozens of cilantro plants have sprung up all over the yard since the mama plant died last summer.

And the loropetalum (Chinese witch hazel) throbs in full, hot pink glory.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New stuff and some old, too

New recumbent trike - very cool!

Some of the rest of us....

See below for thirty years ago!