Monday, September 22, 2008

Loco for Lokomat

My guy's been cleared to have therapy using the Lokomat, a robot-assisted walking system. In the video below, you'll first see a a screen with a simple smiley face. The bigger the smile, the more correctly the client is walking.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurricane Ike Has Done Come and Gone

Last Friday in tromped a loud, obnoxious party crasher who refused to leave and really trashed the place. Every house, street after street, sports several chest-high piles of limbs and leaves. Amazingly enough, few houses right by us had more than minimal structural damage.

We weathered the storm rather well. A privacy fence blew down and the neighbor behind me lost the crown of his pecan, which landed in our yard.

Friends and neighbors helped us prepare, Mark and the kids stayed calm and slept through the night. We lost power for for about 36 hours. Many friends and neighbors still lack electrical service and are not expected to get it until the end of the month, so we have been charging cell phones, providing ice, meals, fridge space, and internet access.
Please pray for all those displaced, those who have lost everything, those whose jobs are gone, and all those who are working 'round the clock to help get everything working again.