But you never know what season M thinks it is. He's been fairly accurate about dates lately, but today he told me it was September. No telling why. I see now I last wrote here in September, so sorry.
M's progress continues, but more slowly. Today, for the first time, M tapped on the car window to let me know that the door was locked. Up until now, he would just stand there until I noticed that I had not yet unlocked the door. And a few weeks ago, he completed a task (stemming grapes and putting the bag of grapes in the freezer) without my direction and while I was out of the house. M does chores much better, with more common sense.
We've been waiting for M's next step in therapy to be approved by the state's Department of Adult Rehabilitative Services. I expect he will return to a rehab program soon. But I have been told the approval process can take months. In the meanwhile, I'm doing therapy for M at home. We're following the exercises his last OT, PT and speech therapist gave him to do. I'm seeing lots of progress is M's being able to stay with a particular exercise once I direct him to start. In addition, almost every weekday M walks on a friend's treadmill (he's up to a blazing 1.7 mph for 15 minutes) and walks in the water for another half hour at the city's pool.
Please continue praying for us. God has been so good to us. Bless you all.