Saturday, November 10, 2007

Recent Blessings

Psalm 10:17

You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.

I've met some lovely people lately who fill me with hope. One, a stroke survivor, can explain what things are difficult for her and why. I marvel at her making an independent life for herself as a single mother. I've also recently met a neighbor whose husband had a brain injury ten years ago. In all that time she had not yet met a wife supporting a spouse so devastated in the prime of life and yet so unaware. I'm grateful I have the family and community support and dh is well enough that I can care for him at home. I met a brain injury survivor at the rehab program who similarly is blogging her life, which includes twin pre-schoolers. And one of the first caregivers I met at the program amazes me with her dedication and spirit. Her husband recently was recognized Texas Brain Injury Survivor of the Year.

Today dh returns from a two-day, one-night men's retreat with our church. I'm grateful to the men, dhs friends and mine, who volunteered to take dh and look after him. In return, they gleefully took dh's presence as the excuse necessary to rent a golf cart for the weekend.