Saturday, April 21, 2007

Still making progress

In every session of physical therapy, M walks. He requires assistance, mostly with the left leg, but even the assistance required is lessening. Though progress is achingly slow, M's left arm slowly is regaining strength. The left hand remains mostly unresponsive, but M does have a small amount of control over shoulder and upper arm muscles, which tire easily.

In his cognitive therapies, M's powers of concentration have improved daily. A favorite of the therapists in group therapy, M encourages the other patients, laughs and jokes. Most frustrating, I think, for all of us is how poorly his short term memory operates right now.

Discharge from TIRR is now expected to be May 17th and the recommendation is for M to continue in the day program at TIRR. This means that his schedule would remain the same, but he would stay home nights and we would be responsible for providing personal care during the day while he is at TIRR.

We're making progress at home, too. In a few days, we'll have a new floor in another room and all the boxes will be put away in another week or so.

Bless you all and please pray for progress, strength, and wisdom for us.