Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A little "toodle-loo"

Let me hasten to say we are not bidding all adieu, but I can imagine M brightly chirping in one of his fake Brit accents, "toodle-loo," as he wiggles the fingers of his left hand. Yes, he can move, even if just barely, all the fingers on his weak side and he can flex his left biceps to oh-so-slowly move his right hand up. It was the week of April 2nd that I first noted M could move his left thumb. As slow as this seems, apparently this is rapid progress in the world of injured brains.

Cognitively, M progresses rather rapidly too. He's been reading the blog at a computer in the hospital for a couple of days and even made a comment yesterday. We can get conversations going either through comments or through an email account newly set up for him. Please do write. He enjoys conversation more than anything, I think, and he is touched by expressions of concern. Bless you all.