Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Last week of March

The trend continues with me getting good reports from all of his therapists. This week M has graduated to a smaller wheelchair, one that he will be learning to propel. He can move forward and back, but needs help steering, since all the (human) power for now comes from his right side. They will practice that in therapy.

I’m slowly pulling back at the hospital as M improves enough to be testy with me for not doing everything for him (when he needs to do the work to get better). I’m at home with the kids at night, which is good for them too, though I miss not knowing everything that M experiences day and night. I’ll go still further and resume work next week.

M is still on track to come home in early May and I’ll have to get prepared. He’s improving rapidly enough that it’s hard to know exactly what to do, but I’m nearly certain we’ll need a ramp. We are in a tiny 1924 bungalow, with every space already spoken for and then some, so I may have to evict a kiddo from his or her room if M has to have a hospital bed and toileting facilities. I think our bathroom is too small for wheelchair access, but the occupational therapist will evaluate that.

We’ll also probably need at least a part-time caregiver. M will not need skilled nursing care (and so the insurance will not pay toward care), but should not be left unattended for a minute, at least at first while he still recovers. Please let me know any suggestions or referrals you might have.

I am exceedingly grateful that a former paralegal of M’s stepped forward to organize a dinner and auction Friday, May 4th. More details are forthcoming, but I just heard of a beautiful offer, a hunting weekend in the brush country, from a colleague of his that will be available at the auction. Please see the next entry for details.

Even in my darker moments, I know God has us in the palm of his hand and we are lifted up by so many friends.